13 weeks left
Last week I was trying to focus on making lists and getting prepared for my trip. What I will need while I am away in a totally different country which has a different culture and different language. I just want to be prepared for the worst while I am in a land of the unknown.
While making the lists I thought about controlling the situation again. Is that what I have to let go? It's good to be organized but trying to control the situation that I dont know what will bring will create the same kind of frustration. We cannot always control the situation that life throws us in. We have to let go and let the universe decide for us. Then it's our decision how we respond and react to that situation. Last week when I decided that I want to take this trip I asked my boss if I can get a month off work. I even gave him the option of working remotely during that time, which I shouldn't have because I am going for myself and should only focus on me. Anyway he agreed to unpaid time off but then there were a few circumstances that was creating trouble. It made me really upset in that moment.When I calmed down I thought about it that why am i giving them the permission to make me feel this way. I followed the procedure and did what was the right thing to do now if they want to do certain things thats on them not on me. I kept on thinking that what would be a solution to the problem that will take care of me as well as the employer I care about because we all know that its not easy to get the six weeks off from a job.
How I feel that I will take care of my control issue is that I will work on the process of getting the things done instead of the outcome. We have to work hard and smart to make sure that we get where we want to get but we should not try to control the situation. I will give an example. Lets say that I am traveling and get stranded at a random city because of some weather conditions. What will be the first reaction? get upset with the airlines continuously call them and make their life living hell, stay upset, throw in the universe that my life sucks instead I can go out and see the city that I would have never thought that I would. Its just an example. I will still get to my destination may be not the time and day that I wanted to reach but letting the universe decide is sometimes helpful. What I will achieve is that I will now have an experience of a totally new city and the people of that city. May be i will get to learn something new about the culture and history of that place. The same is with life. We plan certain things and want each and everything to work the way we want it to. It doesn't happen that way. We have to let go the control. I was always looking for someone after my breakup with my fiance, who I can spend the life with just because thats what society was dictating me and in my mind that was the way it should be. It was making be upset and frustrated. this feeling made me miss some of the major life events in my life like my cousins wedding festivities which to this day I regret. I did not enjoy my brothers wedding like the way I should have because at the back of the mind I was fighting with God about my breakup, I was consumed in the outcome and was not looking at that that my path may be different. My outcome might be something really amazing but I just have to take a longer route. Our life gives us detours all the time but that doesn't mean that we define ourselves with those dead ends. All we have to do is reverse the car a little bit and start going on a different path and different route. It might be long and hard but trust me it will get you somewhere. In the end we just have to decide that we will stay in the driving seat and keep moving. The day we sit in the passenger seat, that is the day when we will not be able to do anything because we will let someone else tell us what to do. Letting the universe decide is not being on the passenger seat though it is like working for the process but not controlling the outcomes. When we listen to society thats exactly what we do... We should be responsible for our own decisions and should drive our car of life ourselves.
This is the continent I will be travelling to in less than 13 weeks. What can be more exciting...
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